An Afternoon at the Farmer's Market

August 13, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

One of the things I love most about summer is going to the farmer's market. It never ceases to amaze me the things that people make right here in my community. The weather was beautiful over the weekend so I decided to spend my Saturday afternoon cruising the Grande Prairie Farmer's Market.

With goodies to explore both inside and outside the market, I could've spent all day there. But unfortunately the market is only open until 3pm. I figured I'd start inside and slowly work my way outside and back to the truck. One of the first things that caught my eye was Field Stone Fruit Wines. I mean honestly who can turn down a free sample of wine? Personally I thought they were a little on the sweet side but yummy nonetheless. (I could totally see myself using them in a sangria!)

From wine to donuts and not just any donuts, Friendship Donuts. As you probably already know from a previous post, Vanilla Bean Donuts, I love simple, basic donuts. The Friendship Donuts are yeast raised and coated in buttery glaze with a hint of caramel, but today they also had chocolate. You can find them at various locations throughout Grande Prairie but I first discovered them at the TAGs Food and Gas in Hythe.

From donuts to tea and Stuffitz Loose Tea. I'm a huge fan of loose leaf tea. For the most part I drink it plain with nothing added. Although I have to admit sometimes (especially when dealing with fruit teas) they just taste better with a little bit of sugar or honey mixed in. I always find the staff to be super helpful and with a massive selection, there is something for everyone.

On the topic of honey... I made my way outside and stumbled across Bee Sweet, which is raw, clover and alfalfa, unpasteurized honey from Webster, Alberta. Honey is one of those products that I ALWAY buy from a local source. When you buy local honey you really can taste (and see) the difference.

Finally the reason why most of us go to the farmer's market in the first place, fresh produce!

If you're looking for something to do that's fun for the whole family consider visiting a farmer's market in your area. There really is something for everyone!






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