Sometimes You've Got to Take a Workshop to Learn Something New

July 21, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

At the beginning of this month I had the opportunity to take a portrait workshop offered through the Grande Prairie Photography Club with the amazing Dave Brosha. It came as a welcomed distraction considering the shit show that was quickly becoming my life. 

I had taken a workshop with Dave once before about three years ago. The workshop was about natural and creative light. Like with most things in life I had bitten off more than I could chew. To be honest I think about 95% of what Dave said during that first two day workshop went completely over my head. While I did leave inspired, I fought back tears during the second day and felt like an idiot because I seriously had no clue what the hell I was doing and to think I was calling myself a "professional".

Fast forward to this workshop and it was like a whole new world. I was able to fully understand Dave's thought process as he walked us through an example of a portrait set up with one of the models without getting lost in all the technical jargon that is a photographer's life. 

Once again I left this workshop feeling inspired however in a completely different way. The first time after feeling like a complete jackass... I looked around for a mentor, took some Creative Live classes, and did a shoot here and there for myself. (As one of the most important things I took away from that workshop was that I needed to shoot for myself.) The second time as I sat there and listened to Dave's presentation about "The Life Adventure" I realized that there are people out there who are actively living the life they want to live, one they don't want a vacation from.

What separates them from me and you? The "actively doing" part. I think that's why I'm so excited to be moving my little family to Australia.

Change is a good thing, it's also one of the few things in life that is inevitable, so why not make changes to move toward something you actually want to do?       

Images from my first workshop with Dave in 2014

Images from this year's workshop



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